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Introducing CNB Security Bulletin!

Security-BulletinAre you concerned about cybersecurity?

Did you know the US Director of National Intelligence ranked cybercrime as the top national security threat – higher than terrorism, espionage and weapons of mass destruction? The increased threat from cyber criminals has become a top priority of financial institutions across the US. We, like all banks, are concerned for our customers’ financial security. While we do our part to protect your accounts, oftentimes it’s the employee of a company that provides the right opportunity for a crime to occur.

Our Security Bulletins can help educate you and your staff about the importance of awareness and due diligence when banking electronically. These short emails may give specific examples of what we’re seeing with our customers in regards to fraud attempts and provide brief education as to how to bank online safely. We are proud to offer technology and products that make it easier for you to run your business. Bank confidently online by trusting in our systems and taking to heart the information we will provide through these brief Security Bulletins. Sign up today to receive the CNB Security Bulletin.

– See more at: www.cnbohio.com/AboutUs/CNBNews/ExecutiveNewsletter